Monday, June 25, 2007

Structure H Telepathic

Sorry to have neglected the blog... It's been a busy week of scriptwranglin'. Just thought I'd pass along this short that a client forwarded to me.. If you're a 3-act fiend you'll love it. If you're trying to figure out the three-act beats (or just to see them in action)... it's also for you. Check it out. And I'll get a more substantive blog entry in soon...

While you're watching, notice just how easy the filmmakers made it on themselves: some smoke, some curtains... and a lot of voice over. Voice over sounds like another step, but they saved themselves worrying about audio the day of the shoot, and gave themselves a lot more flexibility on how to put the whole thing together.

P.S. It's not nearly as shocking as the image suggests...

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