Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Year Anniversary

I realized the other day that I started blogging here back in March 2007. I've been blogging for a year! I want to thank my readers -- from 1247 different cities in 77 countries -- for a remarkable experience. It's been a pleasure to meet and work with so many new people. I've learned a lot, made new friends, and refined a lot of what I think about screenwriting.

It's time to do some spring cleaning around here. I was thinking about setting up a "Best Of Scriptwrangler" section. If you'd like to nominate a favorite post, please email me or add a comment to the blog. I have some idea what posts are perennial favorites, but it's funny how a certain subject will jump out at me in a conversation months later.

I'm also going to revamp scriptwrangler.com. It's a pretty bare bones site right now. If you've got some ideas for that, I'd be thrilled to hear them.

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